Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Reflective Diary on “Presentation”

Presentation As I know from my lecturer in class of Enterprises Development, presentation is a â€Å"performance, and like any actor, you must rehearse, rehearse, rehearse. † I don’t find myself as a good in presentation as presenter. Though I rehearse, rehearse, rehearse, my presentation goes wrong during middle of performance. That time I found myself in hell, which makes me and my group disappointment. I have tried to improve my presentation skills lot, achieved some positive act in myself but still with problems. I am so glad and very thankful to my lecturer that providing clear information about how to do presentation?She provided us with lot of information about presentation which can help us in develop personal skills for presentation. During our last class, we all student are surprised to know that she choose three student for presentation. Through their presentation she said us about positive and negative about presentation. And from that presentation, I found that as Presenter it is very important to engage with audience, asking question, keeping eye contact, using hands, making sure the audience to understand and need to enjoy sharing knowledge on clear topic make presentation attractive and better.From my classmate’s presentation in class, I learned that preparation and practice of verbal and non-verbal communication are very importance for performance as speaker in presentation. Presentation is simply a means of communication which can be adapted to various speaking situation, such as talking to group, addressing a meeting or briefing a team. I remembered that when there was a group presentation in class it was always a pressure in my head. But, now knowing all this I would do my best for upcoming group presentation for this year.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Gender Discrimination Against Women in the Workplace Essay

Traditionally, women have been considered to be the weaker sex and subordinate to men. Moreover, their roles have been assigned to domestic and childrearing duties. The job market is male dominated, and women are often considered to be out of place therein. Women face considerable sexual discrimination in the world of work, significantly limiting their employment prospects and subsequent advancement in their careers. Women generally find it more difficult than men to acquire a fulltime job. What is more, when they can successfully find work, they often struggle to extend their reaches and advance to higher positions. The jobs women are granted are very often those with low status and correspondingly lower income. As Harolambos (Sociology: Themes and Perspectives) says, â€Å"Women face a number of disadvantages in paid work. Firstly, they tend to be lower paid than men. Secondly, they are more-likely to be in part-time work. Thirdly, they tend to concentrated in the lower reaches of the occupations in which they work. Fourthly, women tend to do particular types of jobs, usually those with low status.† In aquiring a job, it must be remembered that more often than not, the employer is male. Men are the ones in the job market with power and authority, and thus make the majority of the decisions – including who gets hired. As Peter Worsley (The New Introducing Sociology) puts it, â€Å"Within the gendered workplace, it is invariably men who are overwhelmingly in positions of power and authority. It is men who, by-and-large, make decisions.† When prospective female employees are being considered for employment, several biases tend to come into play in the minds of the employers. Firstly, male applicants for the job are often given more preference because it is assumed that they have a wife and family to support. In the view of many employers, the role of women as breadwinners is a subordinate one to that of their husband (if she is married). Added to this fact, women lead more complex social lives than that of men. They often must balance their roles as financial providers and child caregivers. Employers often ask personal questions to female applicants. They aim to obtain background information. This may include her marital status, whether she has any children and their ages, or if she is a single mother. Then they interpret these pieces of information in several, prejudiced lights. For example, if she is married, they assume that her husband is the primary breadwinner and her role will be subordinate. This puts the female applicant at a disadvantage when compared to a male applicant with a â€Å"wife and family to support.† Or they may assume that a single parent mother with a young child may need too much personal time to fulfil her parental roles at the loss to the employer (manifesting as a loss in â€Å"man-hours†). Women – both single and married – may even be asked if they intend to have children at a job interview, perhaps informally. And if they say â€Å"yes†, thoughts of maternity leave, subsidized childcare and their costs immediately spring in the minds of the employer. A woman who leaves her job on maternity leave often runs the risk of not having a job to return to. â€Å"Britain for example, has the lowest rate of maternity leave in the European Union. Sixty percent of women in the United States have no adequate access to such leave.† (David Bender and Bruno Leone, 1989) In Trinidad and Tobago, women had virtually no protection from such discrimination until 2001, when the Maternity Leave Act was passed – guaranteeing that their job would still be available on their return. Many mothers are at pains to find fulltime work. Their parental demands make it difficult to pursue a fulltime career. Employers often make no provisions for them, as well as women returning from maternity leave, in the way of workplace creche and nursery services. Their part-time status means that they earn significantly less. Ironically, they earn less just at the time when they need more funds to support adequate childcare. The jobs women are usually able to get tend to be of low status, and low paying. â€Å"Society has made it such that even if a woman wanted to go against the norms and get a job in the work force she would not get very far. About 75 percent of the jobs in the well paying professions are held by men and even if women are able to get equal jobs as men they still get paid considerably less.† (David Bender and Bruno Leone, 1989) In the professional world, women seem to be trapped in the clerical field, with very few ever reaching managerial positions, even and despite of their having adequate qualifications. In 1950, women composed 30 percent of the workforce. Over 50 years later, this number has increased to 47 percent. Yet, today, women who work full-time, year-round earn 76 cents for every dollar men earn. This is in part due to the limited career options of women compared to that of men, in addition to the usual disparity in pay. Many jobs are so designed, that their â€Å"qualifications† are deterrents to female applicants and favour males. For example, to be a firefighter, you have to pass a strength test – and even if a woman passes, she may still be denied access if she is not of the required height and weight. Thus, such jobs tend to be male oriented. Increasingly however, women are being granted them as old attitudes and norms change. But this has lead to yet another ill – workplace violence against women is on the increase in such careers. It seems that in traditionally male dominated fields, such as the armed forces and the utilities, women earn less only to suffer more. In 2001, 14,170 lost-time injuries or illnesses resulting from assaults and violent acts on women in the American workplace were reported, whereas men suffered from 9,464. Although women compose 47 percent of the workforce, they suffer 60 percent of these attacks. About 36,500 rapes occur in the workplace annually, approximately 80 percent of which occur against women. In 2001, female fatalities in the American workplace as a result of assaults and violent acts numbered 30.8 percent. Men however, had only a 13.9 percent workplace fatality rate due to assaults and violent acts. Without doubt, women are the ones who suffer more from workplace violence. Unquestionably, women experience discrimination in the world of work. Although the prospects for improving the current state of affairs may seem bleak, there is hope. As increasing numbers of workingwomen and their supporters lobby for change, those in authority have started listening. The gender disparity in pay is decreasing and women now have a greater range of career opportunities. Progress has been slow. But considering it requires the changing of norms established from the dawn of society, the advancement has been significant. While gender discrimination may exist for quite some time to come, it can be expected to decrease as time goes on.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Animal Testing is Wrong Essay Example for Free

Animal Testing is Wrong Essay Animal testing is cruel and inhuman! It is morally wrong to toture animals for our own benefit. Over 3 million animals have been tormented all in the name of research. It has been found that only 5-25% of side effects caused by medicines are accurately predicted. This leads me to wonder what is actually being gained by animal experimentation. It’s bad science! The Food and Drug Administration reported that 92 out of every 100 drugs that pass animal tests fail on humans, making it wasteful. In recent years there has been the recognition that animals rarely serve as good models for the human body. Animal experiments prolong the suffering of people waiting for effective cures by misleading experimenters and squandering precious money, time, and resources that could have been spent on human-relevant research. â€Å"In the name of science†, animal experiments globally are around 100 million experiments each year. Cats, dogs, rabbits, mice and other animals, no different to those we have as pets, are used in experiments. Animals are force-fed harmful substances, infected with lethal viruses, subjected to brain damage, heart attacks, stokes, cancers and ultimately killed. Several cosmetic tests commonly performed on mice, rats, rabbits, and guinea pigs include:skin and eye irritation tests where chemicals are rubbed on shaved skin or dripped into the eyes without any pain relief. repeated force-feeding studies that last weeks or months, to look for signs of general illness or specific health hazards. widely condemned â€Å"lethal dose† tests, where animals are forced to swallow large amounts of a test chemical to determine what dose causes death. The fact that animals are used to study pain, depression, anxiety, and to test pain-killing drugs for human use, demonstrates that scientists recognize that animals are capable of suffering in many ways just like humans, but these sentient animals are unable to give their consent to participate in research. The fact that animals can suffer and experience pain is sufficient reason to refrain on moral grounds from harming them. Beyond pain, there is also persuasive evidence that animals, in particular mammals and birds, have thoughts, intentions, and memories. This means they can be harmed by confinement, frustration, fear, isolation, and loss of life – experiences unavoidable for animals confined in Laboratories and used in experiments. The measurement of stress hormones, and presence of ulcers, immune suppression, abnormal behavior and brain dysfunction in laboratory animals, provide further evidence that animals commonly used in labs do suffer pain and distress. Some people claim that because animals do not have duties or responsibilities in the way humans do, they are not deserving of the same protection. However, some humans have no responsibilities or duties, such as babies, the mentally ill, or very infirm, yet they are not stripped of their rights in this way. Indeed, such individuals are usually considered more deserving of protection, not less. Others argue that the potential benefit to human society justifies experiments on animals. However this argument is a slippery slope, as this reasoning would also justify experiments on a few non-consenting humans for the ultimate benefit of human society — a clearly unethical scenario. â€Å"If we didn’t use animals, we’d have to test new drugs on people. † The fact is that we already do test new drugs on people. No matter how many animal tests are undertaken, someone will always be the first human to be tested on. Because animal tests are so unreliable, they make those human trials all the more risky. What I have to wonder is why do we test on animals, or feel the need to have people volunteer for something potential dangerous with its unknown side effects when we have child molesters, rapists, and murderers in prison who are catered to three meals a day? I believe we should enact instead of animal testing, (which has been proven to be highly ineffective) testing on convicted criminals on death row, or prisoners looking to cut down some time in exchange for experimentation and observation. Animal Testing is Wrong. (2018, Nov 03).

The Tet Offensive Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 13

The Tet Offensive - Essay Example The â€Å"Tet Offensive† of 1968 has been widely referred to a moment that defined future policy, political as well as public opinion on the War in Vietnam. The offensive formed the biggest series of confrontations during the war. On the night of January 30th, Vietcong troops launched massive surprise attacks on twenty-eight provincial capitals in South Vietnam. The assaults targeted major U.S as well military installations belonging to the South Vietnam Army. The President’s palace at Hue and America’s Embassy were some of the targets of assault in the plan. Vietcong troops did not completely take control of any city, the lost approximately 15,000 of their troops but they successfully completed the mission. They were able to show the force that disenchanted public opinions in both America as well as South Vietnam on the war.The offensive demonstrated clearly that Vietcong was not about to surrender and more importantly that Allied troops could not guarantee the safety of civilians. The U.S military was successful in curtailing the offensive but in the eye of the public, it was a major defeat for the U.S and Allied troops by the way they were caught by surprise. Major players in the Tet Offensive were the Viet Cong and North Vietnam Army launching assaults on South Vietnamese troops, US forces and allied troops. The campaign was characterized by surprise assaults on military, civilian troops and centers of control in entire Southern Vietnam. communist forces orchestrated a well-coordinated series of attacks late in the night of January 30 on the 1st and 2nd Corps Tactical Zones of Southern Vietnam. the next morning saw countrywide attacks with over eighty thousand troops of the communists hitting over one hundred cities & major towns which included thirty-six of the forty-four provincial capitals, five autonomous cities out of six.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Succinyl CoA Synthase and Regulation of the Enzyme Essay - 8

Succinyl CoA Synthase and Regulation of the Enzyme - Essay Example The amino acid responsible for activity is the phosphorylated histidine intermediate (HIS 246 alpha) which is the residue responsible for dephosphorylation of ATP and another site is suspected to be present in the beta subunit that ensures continued metabolism. It is also suspected that there is a nucleotide binding site at the N-terminal of beta subunit (Harel, 2014). This suggests that there are two active sites which are situated approximately 35A apart and that the HIS 246 alpha loop usually moves between them while catalysis is occurring. There is also GLU 208 alpha on the alpha subunit which interacts with the active HIS 246 residue in both the phosphorylated and dephosphorylated enzyme (Harel, 2014) As indicated above the histidine residue is the one involved in dephosphorylation or phosphorylation of ATP or ADP respectively. It has been proposed that the process involves a cooperative binding catalysis. Thus binding of ATP at one site enhances catalysis at another catalytic site (Schà ¼rmann et al, 2011). Binding of ATP occurs only in the presence of magnesium ion (Mg++) forming a complex which contains two ATP residue plus 2 phosphoric acid residues. If incubation is done this complex is converted to another one with 4 phosphoric acid residues per given protein. The complex with 4 phosphoric acid residues is the only one with the capability to react with succinate and CoA to give Succinyl CoA complex (Harel, 2014). This complex then releases phosphoric residues as many as bound succinate. The transfer of this phosphoric residue from the first active site correlates with the transfer to the second active site supporting the cooperative binding mechanism. These, therefore, mea ns that both ADP and ATP can both be activating or inhibiting depending on which stage of catalysis they bind to the enzyme(Harel, 2014). These, therefore, support the reversibility of the catalysis. After the phosphorylation of the Succinyl-CoA and  subsequent dephosphorylation, it is released and continues along the Krebs cycle as succinate.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Counseling related to death Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Counseling related to death - Essay Example Obituaries are a very common way of honoring and paying tribute to one’s loved ones through the local newspaper. There have been deaths of famous people such as Diana, princess of Wales; popular actress Ellen Terry and many more of whom the media used the coverage to communicate and express moral messages. In addition to this, the media also writes auto biographies on famous personalities having terminal conditions like cancer and AIDS, near to death experiences etc. This causes the readers and viewers to look up to them as heroes. Another source of media is the movies and cinemas which depict different approaches to death. It engages the audiences with range of questions and answers regarding death. Some sections of the society feel visual depictions of death in some movies are gruesome. (Field, 2003) II. Grief counselors To cope up with the grief and sadness, professionals help is required sometimes. Grief counselors have a very important role to play in facilitating the nor mal coping process of a person. Grief counselors are trained to handle emotional situations and help people cope with death of loved ones. They are expected to be emotionally stable, matured, understanding and not have a fear of death. This profession can be disturbing in many ways but also fulfilling to see people come out of the difficult situations. They are also required to have genuine and legitimate interest in helping people come to terms with such complicated situations. They are also required to be good listeners and good communicators who are sensitive to people issues. The counselors are required to be very compassionate and strong minded to help others deal with their grief. (Grief Counseling, 2011) What type of tasks do they have to perform? These counselors are required to set out 4 tasks of mourning. The person mourning is required to accept the reality slowly, to work on emotions associated with the loss which could mean mentally and physically; to learn how to live life without the person for survival and the last task would be to help the person find a new place in another persons emotional life.( Bereavement counseling) The main goal of a grief counselor varies from person to person and the kind of loss. However, working with a typical client the goal of a counselor is to- Educate the person about the grieving process and ensure information is provided at every stage Listening to the client and offering non judgmental advice would provide additional support Creating a plan for the client to move on with their life Help the client bond with the deceased through letter writing, talking and performing rituals. (Grief Counselor, 2008) Find out how people are prepared for work that involves death? To become a grief counselor, emotional competence is required which is a key component of this profession. This profession also requires people to have emotions in control and being supportive. Many grief counselors are professionally qualified to handl e such situations and help people cope up with the loss. (Grief Counselor, 2008) How do they feel about the work and any aspect they find difficult? Most of the grief counselors choose this profession only if they are emotionally strong and are good listeners. This profession is a proven and an effective way of helping people to get through their emotional anxieties. In majority of the cases, the actions of the grief coun

Friday, July 26, 2019

Investors in People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Investors in People - Essay Example a business whose focus seems mainly to be on the external people, their clients/members, to provide a haven from the everyday stressors. The business selected was Fitness First. As the leader in the leisure industry, Fitness First's staff focuses on quality services in order to take care of the members. Employees work so that members can take care of themselves and recuperate from the stressors of daily life. Perhaps by implementing Investors in People, the largest health club operator, which caters to people can also provide cater to their people (employee) and reach its objective more effectively. Hence, the focus of this project was to evaluate how the Investors in People Standard, can be useful to an organization, Fitness First UK, and to evaluate the changes, advantages and disadvantages and possible problems. Objectives of the Research The objectives of this research included: -To critically review the literature on Investors in People, or the Standard, companies that use, and the implementation of the Standard to Fitness First and similar organisations -To identify the strategies in implementing the Standard with Fitness First UK's policies -To find the result of investing in the people who take care of people as an occupation -To investigate the possible impact of the necessary changes, acceptance and rejection of staff,management, clients, and vendors when incorporating change -To monitor employees' motivation and attitude via training, benefits, empowerment,etc. -To examine management's role (this will even involve training managers) -To discover, implement, examine, and find the results of the planning, learning, anddevelopment to achieve organization's objectives as... Fitness First UK's employees work hard in order that client scan recuperate from the stresses of daily life. Perhaps by implementing Investors in People, the largest health club organization, which caters to their external people (clients) can also provide cater to their internal people (employee) and reach its objective more effectively. Hence, the focus of this project was to evaluate how the Investors in People Standard, can be implemented the current policies of Fitness First UK. The Investors in People Standard, or the Standard, provides a framework for organization to follow. However, the framework is kept open and flexible so that organisations can adjust and customize to meet its needs. Based on the actions of the planning cycle, the Standard's guidelines are to Plan, Do, and Review. It is not strictly structured in order that organizations can implement the Standard in the way that is best. This makes sense and is highly effective because each organization and its people are extremely unique. Investors in People UK list their framework: Scutt (1998) lists, "The current Director, John Layne, joined Airline Operations during 1994 and quickly identified the need to improve its business performance, customer service, and reduce costs.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Comparison Memo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Comparison Memo - Essay Example fficial websites for the flight airlines and the feedback from the managers as borrowed from the databases of the companies, I came up with this report to determine the best flight. Following the study of the available information using the stated criteria, as a PR supervisor, I found out Qatar Airways as being the best flight that met our criteria requirements. I recommend that we purchase the ticket from Qatar Airways because it is the best for the higher management needs. There is a major conference for OLS managers around the world to be launched in Doha on the 6th of August 2013 and the higher management has asked me as PR supervisor to plan for this trip. The time line for the execution of this task and delivery of appropriate and informed recommendation was one week from the date of the request being placed. I needed to compare the airline flights to get the best deal within this time frame. Although our PR department made previous research about different flights, this research aimed at updating the comparison in our company database. The task required the provision of information on the availability of the flights on the 5th of August 2013 and their relative prices, availability of business class seats and the possibility of minimum number of connection flights to the final destination. Using the official websites of the flights’ airlines gave information for comparison based on the stated criteria (see table Table 1). It was important to appreciate cost as the lesser important issue as compared to availability on the set date. It was found out that all the airlines had flights on the 5th of August. However, the United Airline had the lowest price of $ 6,045 while the other two charged equally and more than United Airline by $ 1,220. The second priority in the criteria was having business class seats on the plane and its listing as one of the five-star airplanes. After reviewing the websites of the listed airlines, I founded that Qatar Airways and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Capital Budgeting Projects Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Capital Budgeting Projects - Research Paper Example The government of San Diego in undertaking these beneficial projects will face the difficulty in determining exactly the benefits. The benefits such as the effectiveness in transporting goods and reducing the cost of transportation can be easily highlighted. However, quantifying these benefits in monetary terms is very complex and cannot be accurately measures (Mikesell, 2011). The value of the goods transported and the speed of moving the human resource may not be determined without recording errors. The pursuance of these projects will also have some costs and negative externalities. During the development of the transport infrastructure, the government will incur costs of destroying the environment and moving the locals in order to get the space for expanding the projects. Moreover, destruction cost to the natural resources like rivers, trees and other resources cannot be easily determined. The increased number of automotives would increase the level of air pollution whose long term impact is hard to determine. Besides, the government must discount the future benefits and costs to determine the net present value. The rate of discounting the future benefits and the costs will pose the greatest challenge to the government (Mikesell, 2011). The use of an inappropriate rate may impair the decision of pursuing the project. In summary, the discounting of government projects remains difficult because of the non profit characteristics of the projects. The government in selecting the projects must however ensure that the projects pursued have more benefits compared to the costs. The San Diego capital improvement project in which the transport infrastructure is improved will definitely have more benefits than

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Ontology-based Software Co-Evolution of Cloud and Mobile Computing Literature review

The Ontology-based Software Co-Evolution of Cloud and Mobile Computing - Literature review Example Lanois (2010, p. 29) explains cloud computing from a socio-technological perspective in the following words: â€Å"As consumers are spending an increasing amount of time online and demanding convenient, instant access to more content, cloud computing is becoming a rapidly growing technology and the industry’s new buzzword. In a nutshell, the idea behind cloud computing is that instead of having the software and data stored locally on a user’s own computer, they can all be stored on Internet servers, or â€Å"in the clouds,† and accessed as a service on the Internet.† According to the works of Shang et al (2010), the concept stack of cloud computing has four major components. These are the computing resources, the operating system & grid middleware, the cloud middleware and the application layers. Shang et al (2010) have taken a layered approach and the computing resources have been assigned as the baseline layer of this stack structure. Above this layer is the layer of grid middleware & operating system. Its role is to harness cluster computing facilities and virtualisation from the pool of computing resources. Next is the cloud middleware layer where the computing facilities are synchronically modified, organised and distributed. Finally, at the top of the stack model, there is the application layer where the real requirements of end users are addressed though a service oriented architecture or SOA. (Shang et al, 2010, pp. 150-151) Mobile computing, on the other hand, is a technology that has given rise to scalable networks with the help of different handheld and portable computing devices available to the end users. It emerged relatively earlier than cloud computing, and primarily used Internet based telephony and communication techniques. As early as the 1990s, experts defined adaptability to be the most critical feature of mobile computing, since it involves a diverse range of software and hardware platforms that must work togeth er and interact seamlessly (Satyanarayanan, 1995). The research team led by de Oliveira (2010) have presented a detailed cloud computing taxonomy which can be utilised in an ontological approach (please refer to Figure - 1). In taxonomical construct of cloud computing, mobile devices are categorized under the sub-taxonomy of access. Along with the thin clients, mobile is the type of access to clouds apart from the desktop with handheld devices or mobile phones. Mobile computing can facilitate access to the cloud computing resources with the help of phones instead of the static workstations and desktops. (de Oliveira et al, p. 56) With the lapse of time, end users are becoming increasingly mobile. On the go, they not only need portable devices but also demand powerful computing facilities. This has given rise to the concept of â€Å"mobile workforce† (Liu, 2010, p. 4). In order to support such a mobile workforce at the business model sub-taxonomical cohort of cloud computing t echniques (please see Figure - 1), organisations are looking forward to mobile cloud applications. These applications would be highly adaptable at the programming side, synchronising various kinds of hardware and software platforms ranging from similar to disparate configurations. Figure – 1: Taxonomy of cloud computing. Please note the position of mobile technology in the sub-taxonomy of â€Å"Access† located at the lower left-hand side corner of the illustration. Source: de Oliveira et al (2010, p. 52) 2. Migrating Existing Software to Mobile Cloud Application

Effects on Divorce on Children Essay Example for Free

Effects on Divorce on Children Essay However some people think that its an easy process to get a divorce two separate roperties and signing papers may seem like an easy task some however there are major problems can arise from the divorce like who is going to keep the timeshare in Aspen. But one vital issue arises with the presence of children and how it will affect them in the long run studies suggest that children that go through divorce express signs of distress for example acting out in school. Divorce is Just as hard on the children as it is the adults and if they overlook this their children might be affected for even years to come showing concern for this might prevent this. More than half of all divorces involve children under the age of 18. Divorce does not only affect the husband and wife, but now more than ever their children get mixed up in the, sometimes ugly, process of divorce. A vital question every parent should consider is will divorce have effects on children and is staying together for the sake of their well-being the best resolution, if not what are the ideal approaches to minimize the childs distress? The overall reason I picked this topic is because after a divorce many young children are confused. They are confused because they are sometimes too young to nderstand what is going on so they tend to scream for help but their parents ignore them. Then they can sometimes start to act out in school and their parents know why they are doing it but cannot help them express their feelings. This topic is sociologically important because young children need help understanding what divorce is and how to cope with it. All of these reason Ill be sure to make a point of explaining them further and using reliable statistics taken from studies of children of divorce. This question should interest almost everyone that plans of getting married in the future. Divorce clearly isnt something that couples want or even expect in a marriage but unfortunately such events occur that lead to divorce and it is crucial to know how it may affect children in the long run. David Masci the author of the article Does divorce turn children into troubled adults? argues that divorce might turn children into troubled adults, and I agree because he provides viable evidence to support his theory. His argument that is supported by new research showing that almost half of all children in the United States have to deal with their parents dissolution of marriage nd these some of these children show signs of distress in the later year. Mainly likelihood of health, emotional, and behavioral problems, lower academic achievement and an increased risk of divorce when they marry. In addition, early sex, out-of-wedlock pregnancy, alcohol and drug abuse, delinquency and suicide are more prevalent among adolescents from divorced families than among those from intact families (Masci) I wholeheartedly endorse what David Masci argues. While many children grow up leading healthy and productive lives after a divorce occurs, they are at greater risk for emotional and physical problems. Some children are more emotionally affected by divorce than others. But some do not experience serious, long-term emotional problems A childs emotional security also becomes more fragile during this difficult time of divorce. Fears that both parents will abandon the child are common. Depending on the age of the child, some of the ways a child might express this emotional insecurity may be large amounts of anger, directed both toward others and themselves frequent breaking of rules, sleep problems, defying parents or teachers, frequent guilt, increasing isolation or withdrawal from friends and family, drug and/or alcohol buse, early sexual activity, thoughts of suicide or violence. Many children of divorce believe that they caused the divorce or that they did something wrong that made one or both parents not want to be with them. These feelings can cause a child to feel sad, depressed, and angry. These negative emotions can contribute to other problems, such as poor health, difficulty in school, and problems with friends, to name a few. Parents can help their children avoid some of the negative consequences of these emotions by using emotion coaching, a process of helping children be aware of and talk about their emotions. Children who experience the divorce of their parents generally are more likely to struggle socially compared to children from intact families. They are more likely to be aggressive, have poorer relationships with same-age children, and have fewer close friends. Also, these children and teenagers appear to be less involved in extracurricular activities, such as sports or music, and other enrichment programs, such as after-school classes or summer programs. This is likely due to less money to pay for such activities, less availability of parents to drive the child and attend lessons and events, ore frequent moves, and visiting and custody schedules that interrupt participation in team sports and other activities. Children and teenagers who experience the divorce of their parents may end up getting less parental supervision. As a result, some scholars believe that these children may be more susceptible to the influence of their peers and this increases the chances of them getting involved in deviant behavior, including drug and alcohol use and smoking. Generally, research has not found large differences in how boys and girls tend to adjust to divorce. However, it seems that boys, more than girls, tend to be more aggressive toward others and this can lead to their friends and peers rejecting them. Boys may be somewhat more likely to act in defiant ways at home and in school; girls may be somewhat more likely to experience anxiety and depression. A childs age when his or her parents divorce is another factor that parents worry about. But divorce on children has not shown a consistent pattern. Some studies suggest that romantic relationships in the future of children of divorce can be affected because of their experiences as a young child. In addition, ome scholars believe that children of divorce are less likely to learn crucial social skills in the home, such as cooperation, negotiation, and compromise that are necessary for success in life. Children exposed to high levels of conflict between their parents, both before and after a divorce, may learn to model the poor communication of their parents.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Integrated Conservation Development Projects Essay Example for Free

Integrated Conservation Development Projects Essay Integrated Conservation Development Projects (ICDP) look into how the socio-economic goals of a people may be achieved without compromising the ecological balance of the environment. At the same time, ICDP, more importantly, is directed at using socio-economic investments to keep the biodiversity intact despite the influx of human activities. ICDPs require an assessment of the dynamics of the project area so as to be able to determine the appropriate approach and the needed intervention, and monitoring and evaluation in the target community. The following are experiences of the implementation of some ICDPs: English Title: Conservation and development projects in the Brazilian Amazon: lessons from the community initiative program in Rondonia. Personal Authors: Browder, J. O. Author Affiliation: Department of Urban Affairs and Planning, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA. Document Title: Environmental Management, 2002 (Vol. 29) (No. 6) 750-762 Publisher: Springer-Verlag NewYork Inc. Abstract: This ICDP takes on community-based conservation and development as a foundation of sustainable economic development. Although there is a growing debate on the effectiveness and replicability of ICDPs, the central elements of the concept of integrated conservation and development are examined through a description of the Community Initiative Program (CIP), a pilot program of the Rondonia Natural Resources Management project in the western Brazilian Amazon state of Rondonia. The CIP apply the principles of ICDP to the regional scale in different communities at the same time. Conservation impacts of the program and lessons learned are presented here. Author: Asian Development Bank Year: 1998 Paper Title: Central Sulawesi Integrated Area Development and Conservation Project Abstract: This ICDP focuses on Indonesia’s Central Sulawesi Integrated Development Conservation Project. The goals of the Project are poverty reduction and sustainable development achieved through acceleration and sustained growth of the agricultural sector. It also has a policy component that aims to develop a policy framework and institutional reform measures to increase agricultural productivity. The expected outputs and outcomes of the Project are hoped to bring about socio-economic as well as environmental benefits. The benefits shall have a positive impact on both the poor and the indigenous cultural communities in the area. Author: The World Bank Documents Reports Year: 2007 Paper Title: Request for the secretary of states approval to designate Bolong Fenyo as Gunjar community wildlife reserve Journal Title: Gambia Integrated Coastal and Marine Biodiversity Management Project Volume: 2 of 2 Abstract: Gambia’s critical ecological areas may be protected with The Integrated Coastal and Marine Biodiversity (ICAM) project. A number of expected project impacts and mitigation measures may regulate activities through the establishment of resource utilization zones within the core park area and buffer zones but these are aimed to obtain positive effects and impact both in the short-term and in the long run. A new set of rules will also have to be drafted by the DPWM and the communities so that permitted activities especially in the reserve area such as fishing and oystering may be agreed upon. Other alternative options are being explored in view of the limitations presented. References Cab Abstracts. (2007). Conservation and development projects in the Brazilian Amazon: lessons from the community initiative program in Rondonia. Retrieved October 8, 2007, from Cab Abstracts Web site:

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Galtung And Ruges News Values Model

Galtung And Ruges News Values Model It is an often asked question, how does a journalist prioritise the selection of news stories. An academic view to perceiving the process of how a news journalist prioritises the selection of contemporary news is Gaulten and Ruges study The structure of foreign news. This study can be found in the Journal of International Peace Research in 1965. I think overall that, Galtung and Ruges news values model needs to be adapted slightly in order to capture the priorities of contemporary news journalism. For the next part of my essay I will discuss the original 1960s model and identify its concepts. The pair conducted a study which looked at foreign newspapers and specifically at foreign news. According to Harcup and ONeill (2001) The central question at the heart of their paper was how do events (especially, foreign events in their case) become news? They researched what foreign newspapers featured on other world news and found the stories were more likely to be featured in the newspaper if they contained the news values of negativity, threshold, proximity, frequency, unambiguity, consonance, unexpectedness, continuity, meaningfulness, composition and reference to elite nations and elite persons. Generally speaking, news values of a story are based on what relevance and effect a story has on its audience, in other words its newsworthiness. The greater the relevance and effect on the audience, (the higher number of news values the story contains) makes the story more of a priority in the news journalism world. Palmer, cited in Harcup and ONeill (2001) stated that Galtung and Ruges study was the earliest attempt to provide a systematic definition of newsworthiness. The story could be based on absolutely anything, from focusing on an individual, to a running story or be totally unexpected etc. However, not all news stories are newsworthy. Stories that are seen as a priority in contemporary news journalism are usually those to do with politics, human interest and disasters etc. A story that is classed as newsworthy is often described as quick, negative and sustains drama etc. According to Mcnair (1999) news values act as a cue for the audience alerting them to the importance of the issue. News values can often overlap with newsroom observation studies, for example, both try to capture the unwritten rules of journalism. News values of a story are not written down in a book. A trainee journalist cannot be taught about what news values apply to each story. According to Lippman (1922) news values are an informal code. The journalist has to learn to consider what news values a story has and its news worthiness to its audience. So the reason behind why a certain story has been selected as a front page story for argument sake in a newspaper, is because the editor believes it has high news values and is very newsworthy to its audience, meaning people are going to read it because the story is relevant and/or affects them and, therefore, is a priority in the news journalism world. According to Lippman (1922) reporters are said to have a good nose or a gut feeling for a good story. For the benefit of this essay I will define just a few of Galtung and Ruges news values. Firstly, negativity, which refers to the old clichà © of the only good news is bad news. An example of a story that contains this news value is the recession and the continuing rise of the unemployed. Threshold, is another news value which is based on the size of the story for example how many people does it involve? E.g. The Jonathan Ross saga involved a number of people having their salaries cut. Proximity, is another news value this is based on whether the story is close to viewers economically or geographically. Unexpectedness of an event is a news value which is pretty much self explanatory an example of a story that contains this news value is 9/11. Another news value is what is known as a Continuation story, which is an established sequence, an example being the Madeline McCann story, as this has been an ongoing story since her disappearance in 2007. Galtung and Ruge believe that the more news values a story has, the more of a priority it has in contemporary news journalism. An example of this would be the 2004 Tsunami which included the news values of negativity as many lost their homes and lives. Unexpectedness, as there was no warning to the natural disaster. Threshold, as the story involved a huge number of people. It was eventually a continuation story where it was reported on for weeks after the event happened. For the benefit of this essay, I am going to compare the similarities and differences of what news stories were selected and seen as a priority to the news journalism world (as they were seen as the most newsworthy to their audience). I chose to look at BBC Wales Today and ITVS Wales Tonight. The programmes were aired on Monday 26h October at 6.00 p.m. ITV Wales stories were (in a three to four word sum up of each story) a car bomb in Pakistan which has the news values of negativity and threshold as it affects a large number of people. The second story is about 3 pilots dying in a plane crash which has the news values of negativity, proximity (geographically) as the location of the crash was close to viewers and one of the victims lived in Cardiff. The story also held the news value of unexpectedness of the crash. Finally the third story which was about a campaign to lift the spirits of the Welsh people living in the valleys. This story had the news value of proximity, as it is the location of where a large number of people from the target audience live and threshold as it affects a large number of people. The first BBC Wales Today story was about unpaid benefit, whereby people with disabilities are owed money by the Government. The story has the news values of negativity and threshold as it affects a large number of people. The story was a continuation story as this story has been running for a while. The second story was the valleys campaign to lift spirits, which had the same news values as previously mentioned. Finally the third story was the Teacher of the year award, which is about a secondary school head teacher in Worcestershire winning the award. The news values for this item are proximity, as it is close to where the target audience lives, and unexpectedness of who was the winner of the award. An interesting point to make is that the only story featured on both news programmes was the one about the valleys campaign even though the angle and where the story was placed in the news programme differed. It was placed third in ITVS running order and second in BBC Wales Today. This means that BBC Wales Today believes that the story is more news worthy to its audience and, therefore, more of a priority in news journalism to be shown in that particular order. Another factor to consider is why certain stories were chosen for ITV and not selected for BBC Wales? Why were certain stories seen as a priority in contemporary journalism and others were not? A highly criticised point made by Tunsall (1971) shows how the model definitely needs to be updated, as detailed and better photographs are used more frequently in contemporary news journalism, this may be due to a number of reasons such as the advance of technology. Also, there seems to be a growing number of citizen journalism, where non trained journalists take it upon themselves to take pictures, for example, send them to editors of newspapers and then make money out of them. I would definitely modify the model as I believe news values of a story can also be visual imperatives, as in a picture or video footage. We may consider that without such visual imperatives some news stories may not have been so newsworthy, for example, 9/11. The story had some amazing pictures taken of the event; of the Twin Towers actually collapsing (The pictures were taken by a citizen journalist which showed how quick, unexpected and shocking the event was). However, we have to consider without this footage would the story have been so big? Inevitably the story would have been front page news globally without the footage as it would have been a priority story in news journalism but the footage has a definite impact on the story. According to Tunsall as cited in Harcup and ONeill (2001) they state that Galtung and Ruge looked only at content that was explicitly concerned with the selected crises; and their list of factors made no reference to how visual elements, such as dramatic photographs, could affect the content of written material. Having visual imperatives makes the story have higher news values than if there was no pictures etc. at all and it was just a written article about the event. I think photographs for such a news story are necessary as it helps capture the priorities of contemporary news journalism. A criticism of Galtung and Ruges model is, how do journalists define their news values? This may be made clearer by Harcup and ONeills (2001) example. Using one of Galtung and Ruges news values called threshold. They state Isnt this still open to subjective interpretation? Which is bigger, twenty deaths in ten road accidents or five deaths in one rail crash? So it seems that maybe the model is unclear and that it should be updated to be clearer about their definitions of news values, in order to be able to capture the priorities of contemporary news journalism. Furthermore, Harcup and ONeill (2001) argue that A number of Galtung and Ruges factors appear to be problematic to identify while others may be identifiable but less in any intrinsic properties of a potential news story and more in the process of how a story has been constructed or written up. In other words they argue that Galtung and Ruges model is more to do with how a story has been told by the journalist. However, an alternative perspective to Galtung and Ruges propaganda news values model is the Herman and Chomskys propaganda model (1988) in Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media. The pair (who are professors of communication), examine and analyse evidence of US news output and why it works in this way in capturing the priorities of contemporary journalism. This theory proposes a five filter theory which I will now go on to discuss. The five filters are size ownership, advertising, sources, flack and anti- communism. Basically the Herman and Chomsky theory (from a hand out given in lectures), is based on the organisation of news institutions, as they see the news journalism world, as being set in the market system. The five filters work through independent action and self-censorship instead of direct control. According to Herman (1996) They work as filters through which information must pass, and that individually and often in additive fashion they help shape media choices. I am going to discuss the five filters, the first being size/ownership which is becoming progressively more concentrated. The pair believes there are a smaller number of proprietors concerned and it seems the big fish at the top eat the little fish. They believe that the market (which is owned by a limited number of wealthy people), is entirely focused in the direction of profit and that there are certain barriers to entry in to the ownership market. They argue that restrictive practices are sometimes activated and that the news media has a built-in bias because of its common interests with other major corporations. The second filter is advertising; Chomsky and Herman claim that the news media is in the business of selling audiences to advertisers (especially affluent audiences). Corporate advertisers therefore work as an unofficial licensing authority. A large part of profit made by newspaper companies is from advertising revenue. According to Herman (1996) Newspapers are funded largely by advertisers who are also profit-seeking entities, and who want their ads to appear in a supportive selling environment. The third filter is primary sources, which the pair claim that journalists are obliged to view official sources (political, corporate, military) as essentially more reliable than others. Alternative sources of news and opinions are therefore marginalized or ignored. The next filter is flak. This can be negative responses from above to news reporting (phone calls, letters, threats, etc.) all of which constitute flak. It receives respectful attention (and is not denounced or ignored for what it is). Flak upsets advertisers so news media strive to avoid doing anything to aggravate it in other words they will not publish anything that will offend the advertiser. Finally the last filter I am going to describe is anti-communism (also referred to as the anti-ideology filter). It believes the US news media has an inherent bias against communism, in particular, but also against any form of socialism and it therefore tends to support the US in regards to right-wing regimes abroad. Many journalists argue there are many critiques of this model such as it doesnt match journalists own intuitions. They believe that the fifth filter is too restricted (in time and space). They argue that it is a conspiracy theory and it ignores objectivity as a main fear of the journalist. According to Klaehn (2002) Chomsky and Hermans theory is an overly deterministic view of media behaviour. I think some of the filters apply in the UK for capturing news journalism, for example, size and ownership, as Chomsky and Herman argue that the news media is increasingly concentrated into fewer businesses. My research (although it only talks about the news medium of newspapers), concurs that ownership is restricted. According to The House of Lords (2008) In the United Kingdom, the national newspaper industry is run by eight companies-one of which has over 35% of the national newspaper market. I think that second filter advertising if the most influential of all the filters, because without revenue from advertising, the revenue made from the sale of newspapers would not be enough to support the company financially and most likely shareholders of the company would view this as a huge problem as there would be no newspaper. This fact can be supported by the Chomsky and Herman theory mentioned in the first filter, who state The market is entirely focused in the direction of profit and they argue that restrictive practises are sometimes activated. For argument sake, if the Royal bank of Scotland were a major advertiser in the Daily Mail, and this newspaper ran a negative piece about how the Royal Bank of Scotland bonus payouts to senior executives were outrageously high, the newspaper risks future advertising revenue from the offence caused. So this shows how certain information is not always captured by newspapers in contemporary news journalism. To conclude, although I believe that this original 1960s model is suitable in some respects, it does need modifying as it is outdated. A remarkable point to make is that the model does not include anything about celebrities and this would definitely be a modification I would make. Britains contemporary news journalism now often features celebrity stories in their newspapers. It is often argued that British society has become extremely fascinated with the celebrity life and has developed into a celebrity culture where we want to find out what the celebrities have been up to, whos wearing what, who has just had a baby and who is splitting up etc. It has become very much apparent that celebrity stories have become part of todays news, although a point to think about is whether it is a major priority to contemporary news journalism to feature these types of stories in our news sources. Harcup and ONeills (2001) study states that when Galtung and Ruges news model mentions the news value, Reference to Elite People they stated that they were not necessarily the elite people that Galtung and Ruge had in mind. The UK press seems obsessed with celebrities such as TV soap stars, sports stars, film stars and, of course, royalty. In contrast, the elite people identified by Galtung and Ruges model were the politically powerful, people in positions of authority. With newspapers including more information about scandal and celebrities, there are concerns about the so called dumbing down of news and possible growth of a term called tabloidization. This is where political news is being replaced by celebrity news. So is this really what society wants to read about? Has contemporary journalism come to this?

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Cancer and the Immune System Essay -- Biology T Cells

Have you ever eaten something without washing your hands or been next to someone who sneezed? If you have then you've been exposed to millions of germs. The world is full of germs (microorganisms) - things like bacteria and viruses which can make us sick - and simple things like breathing and eating are constantly exposing us to them. Sometimes we get sick, but amazingly enough, most of the time we don’t. Our body’s ability to fight off disease is due to the incredible immune system. Several T cells (white) attacking a tumor However, at times something goes wrong with the immune system. Everyone gets sick once in a while, and beyond making us ill, there are still many diseases which can kill people. Cancer is a disease which manages to defeat the immune system. But how? For years cancer immunologists assumed that the cells of the immune system simply couldn’t recognize tumor cells. After all, if they could, cancer would be no more serious than the common cold. The many people who die each year from cancer seem to support the view that the immune system is blind to tumor cells. However, new experimental evidence indicates otherwise. As often happens in science the assumed or most obvious view is not always the correct one. In a study designed to investigate exactly how cancerous cells defeat the immune system, a collaborating group of scientists found some very interesting results. In a Nature Medicine journal article titled â€Å"Characterization of circulating T cells specific for tumor-associat ed antigens in melanoma patients† they discovered a phenomenon we have dubbed Dead Cells Walking. The first problem was to identify anti-melanoma T cells. To do this they first harvested lymphocytes from the peripheral blood of mela... ... be no cure. The fact that specific TAA cells are present in people with metastatic disease opens up a completely new realm for oncologists. Perhaps new cancer therapies will be aimed at reviving the anergic T cells. This would allow physicians to work with the immune system of their patients, and together, maybe the cancer can be defeated. In addition, the study showed that chemotherapy significantly decreased the levels of anti cancer TAA cells. If those cells can somehow be revived, than a standard anti cancer chemotherapy regimen may actually be doing more harm than good. Physicians treat disease with the knowledge they have about how it works. Their treatments then, can only be effective if their knowledge is correct. As a result, studies such as this one, which clarify disease mechanisms, are critical for the continued advancement of the medical profession.

Essay --

What makes you an adult? Many people believe that age determined adulthood but they are wrong because age is a number and everyone grows up in different rates. You can’t always expect everyone to become mature at the same age, because everyone is different. Many teens become adults faster for certain reason and some of them were not give the option they just had to too. Becoming an adult is not an option for everyone but sooner or later you have to grow up because you can’t stay a kid forever. Being 18 years old makes you legally an adult in united states, but in reality we know that 18 years old are very different from maturity as well responsibilities and life experience. Age do not determined the actual matureness of a person neither the circumstance to handle situations. Adulthood is not based on age; it’s based on emotional maturity. The ability to listen to and evaluate the viewpoint on circumstance they find themselves on and been able to analyze how to find the solution to the problem that makes them mature. Age is just a number; therefore you could be twenty-six, twenty-eight and still act immature. Many teens think that as soon they 18 their parents are going to continue to help them but the true is that they already did their part raising them up. One part of growing up and becoming an adult is that parents are not always going to be there so you got to grow up on your own. Sooner or later he or she are going to face obstacles on their own and that would make them stronger which will help them mature. There are several attributes to make an adult an adult and number one is responsibilities because that ones part that help you grow up in life. Part of being an adult is important to maintain pa... ... not a bad thing because you get to make your own decisions without someone telling you what to do. I know that been a kid life is simple you go to school come back home and do homework and that all you worried about but you never get to explore and have more adventures like adults. A part of being an adult is that you make mistakes but you always learn from the mistakes and that prevent you from doing the same mistakes all over again. What I am trying to say is good to be a kid but you have to grow up to become an adult because that’s how you decide what kind of life style you want instead of your parent making it for you. I know some were not given a chance to enjoy childhood but what you got is more importance meaning that you who didn’t enjoy you childhood you had a head start to become a adult and maybe do better than other who didn’t went trough your situation

Friday, July 19, 2019

what is the right drinking age? Essay -- essays research papers fc

American society believes that lowering the drinking age back to eighteen will lead to a domino affect of bad premonitions like rampant drinking binges, raving alcoholics, and more traffic accident deaths upon the entire nation. Realistic Alcohol Laws for Legal Youth (RALLY) is one of many major organizations dedicated to rectifying these faulty perspectives that Americans hold. Due to the irrelevance on the number of alcohol related car accidents in the 1970?s, the parents obligation to teach responsible drinking, and the fact that eighteen year olds have the same constitutional rights as all adults, I believe that the legal drinking age in the United States should be lowered to eighteen. Whatever our personal opinion may be, we can not denounce that alcohol has been embedded with every major civilized society from the Greeks to the Romans and even American society as it was stated in the book Opposing Viewpoints: Alcohol (Barbour 25-32). Drinking has been part of the social element since colonial America. According to the book Alcohol: Teenage Drinking, alcohol was viewed as ?God?s Good Creature (Lang 25).? The view of alcohol then changed during the Prohibition period when it became known as ?Demon Rum?. Despite this ?Demon Rum? perspective, society rebelled astoundingly against the 18th Amendment to the Constitution (Prohibition) emphasizing the idea that American people wanted their liquor. Tough restrictions on alcohol and the general concept that alcohol is wicked exist to this day. The controversy lies in that the government literally blackmailed states into increasing the legal drinking age. The nationwide legal age limit was enforced with the threat that President Reagan would not give money to states for roads until they increased their drinking ages. When Ronald Reagan signed the National Minimum Drinking Age Act in 1984, the country went dry to everyone under 21-legally, that is. Now, some young adults are opting to reverse that decision. We must take into account that alcohol and teens are very well acquainted. The book, Teenagers and Alcohol: When Saying No Isn?t Enough, asserts that high school surveys in the last decade show that ninety-two percent of its students have tried alcohol (Vogler & Bartz 4). Former Senator Baker says, in Teenagers and Alcohol: When Saying No Isn?t Enough, that alcohol is the ?bloody monster that defiles i... ...cohol and not simply hide, ignore, and misunderstand it. Works Cited Barbour, Scott, Bruno Leone, and Brenda Stalcup, eds. Opposing Viewpoints: Alcohol. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1998. Castaà ±eda, Carol J. ?La. Drinking-age ruling rekindles debate.? USA Today 22 Mar. 1996: 3A. Chafetz, Morris E. ?Teach responsible drinking.? Editorial. USA Today 30 Oct. 1997: 14A. Chwat, John. ?Education, not laws, will make roads safe.? Interview. USA Today 7 Apr. 1989: 10A. De la Cruz, Hector. General Motors. Clark Chevrolet Representative. Interview. By JM. Kelly, Rachel. ?The real answer is abstinence.? Interview. USA Today 7 Apr. 1989: 10A. Lang, Alan R. Ph.D. Alcohol: Teenage Drinking. New York: Chelsea House, 1992. ?Medical Examiner.? University of North Carolina. Online. AOL. ?Statistics.? American Cancer Society. Online. AOL. Vogler, Roger E. Ph.D., and Wayne R. Bartz, Ph.D. Teenagers and Alcohol: When Saying No Isn?t Enough. Philadelphia: The Charles Press, 1992. Wells, Melanie. ?Coors chief: Consider lower drinking age.? USA Today 10 Sept. 1997: 4B. ?When were the best muscle cars made Motor Trend. With Bob and Neil. TNN 31 July 1999.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Effect of Hurricane Sandy on Jamaica

The Effects of Hurricane Sandy on Jamaica FOUNDATION SKILLS FOR GRADUATE MANAGEMENT EDUCATION The Three Main Effects of Hurricane Sandy that Affected Jamaica were Rainfall Induced Flooding, Storm Surges and Winds STEPHANIE SMITH Executive Summary On October 22, 2012, it was announced by The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM,)  that a tropical depression (Sandy) was headed towards the shores of Jamaica and that the arrival to our shores would be on October 24. On the 24th Sandy approached and the effects were devastating.The winds caused several trees to plummet, taking down power lines, utility poles and homes with them. The winds blew roof tops off and destroyed several produce causing a huge devastation to the agricultural sector. The rainfall caused several homes and roads impassible and even completely flooded a number of communities. The storm surges caused shores to be evacuated as the tides were too high and strong for shore home owners to weath er the storm. .† 70% of Jamaicans were without electricity after the passage of Sandy due to down power lines, fire and blown transformers.Many roads were impassible due to trees that had fallen. â€Å"Minister of State in the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Hon. Ian Hayles, says early estimates indicate that close to 11,000 farmers across the island have been affected by Hurricane Sandy, with some 1,500 hectares of crops â€Å"totally destroyed. † (Reynolds-Baker, 2012). † He goes on to highlight the breakdown of early estimates of damages that amounted to $700 million. . Understanding the effects such as wind damage, flooding and storm surges can better help us as Jamaicans and the Jamaican government to prepare for tropical depressions, storms and hurricanes.If the government takes short and long term steps along with its current hurricane initiative, it will reduce the amount of damages by a significant amount of dollars and the Jamaican society will b e able to bounce back from another episode of hurricane much faster. Thesis Statement: The Three Main Effects of Hurricane Sandy that Affected Jamaica were Rainfall Induced Flooding, Storm Surges and Winds On October 22, 2012, it was announced by The Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM,)  that a tropical depression (Sandy) was headed towards the shores of Jamaica and that the arrival to our shores would be on October 24.Within a couple of hours Sandy had been upgraded to a tropical storm and Jamaica was put on tropical storm watch. This advisory was then upgraded on the 23rd to a tropical storm warning as a hurricane watch was issued. Jamaica was again upgraded from hurricane watch to warning sometime during the day on the 23rd, because as soon as Sandy touched landfall she will manifest into a hurricane. Wednesday approached and with it Sandy. The effects were devastating. The winds caused several trees to plummet, taking down power lines, utility pole s and homes with them.The winds blew roof tops off and destroyed several produce causing a huge devastation to the agricultural sector. The rainfall caused several homes and roads impassible and even completely flooded a number of communities. The storm surges caused shores to be evacuated as the tides were too high and strong for shore home owners to weather the storm. Classifications of Tropical Weather There are three main classifications of tropical weather activity: tropical depression, tropical storm and hurricane. The first official stage of a tropical classification is a tropical depression.AccuWeather explains that â€Å"a tropical depression forms when a low pressure area is accompanied by thunderstorms that produce a circular  flow with maximum sustained winds below 39 mph. Most tropical depressions have maximum sustained winds between 25 and 35 mph. † The second stage is the tropical storm which is an upgrade to the tropical depression where the cyclonic circula tions become more organized and has winds between 38 and 76 mph. â€Å"Tropical storm status is when the naming of the storm takes place.A tropical storm is then upgraded into Category 1 hurricane status as maximum sustained winds increase to between 74 mph and 95 mph (AccuWeather, 2010). † The main feature of a hurricane is wind. Tropical depressions and storms will have a lot of rainfall and calm winds, but once the winds pick up intensity it will quickly be classified into a hurricane. This is why the measure of hurricanes is done by its wind intensity. There are 5 ratings measured by The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale which is used to rate hurricane intensity in the Atlantic Basin.SAFFIR-SIMPSON SCALE| CATEGORY| WIND| DAMAGE POTENTIAL| 5| * 156| Catastrophic| 4| 131 – 155| Extreme| 3| 111 – 130| Extensive| 2| 96 – 110| Moderate| 1| 74 – 95| Minimal| Table 1: Saffir-Simpson Scale Within these 3 classifications, watches and warnings are issued. à ¢â‚¬Å"A watch lets you know that weather conditions are favorable for a hazard to occur while a warning requires immediate action (National Hurricane Center, n. d. ). † A tropical storm or hurricane watch occur when those conditions (mentioned above) are possible/likely to occur in that specified area.While, the tropical storm of hurricane warning take place when those conditions are expected to occur. Effects of Sandy â€Å"Wind is responsible for much of the structural damage caused by hurricanes. High winds, uproot trees and tear down power lines. The maximum winds from fast moving and powerful storms may remain high, even when the storm is well inland (The Weather Channel, n. d. ). † The aftermath of Sandy in Jamaica was the epitome of wind damage. â€Å"With storm force winds of up to 80miles per hour, Sandy left a trail of mainly wind damage in the central and eastern parishes (Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency, 2012). 70% of Jamaicans were without e lectricity after the passage of Sandy due to down power lines, fire and blown transformers. Many roads were impassible due to trees that had fallen. A huge sector that was affected by winds was the agricultural sector. â€Å"Minister of State in the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Hon. Ian Hayles, says early estimates indicate that close to 11,000 farmers across the island have been affected by Hurricane Sandy, with some 1,500 hectares of crops â€Å"totally destroyed. † (Reynolds-Baker, 2012). The news article goes on to highlight the breakdown of early estimates of damages that amounted to $700 million. â€Å"Mr. Hayles explained that the total figure will be much more, when assessments for the parishes St. Thomas, Portland, St. Ann and Clarendon are completed (Reynolds-Baker, 2012). â€Å"The heavy rains associated with a tropical weather system are responsible not only for major flooding in areas where the storm initially strikes, but also can affect areas hundr eds of miles from where the storm originally made landfall (The Weather Channel, n. . ). † There was flooding in some communities following the passage of Sandy. Low lying areas in the St. Mary and Portland and St Ann’s suffered flooding. One community was totally marooned by floods. (Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency, 2012). † The rainfall is a huge factor in damage done to roads. â€Å"The estimate of the damage done to roads and other infrastructure by those rains is just under $1. 1 billion. (OPM Communications Unit, 2012)†. This could be attributed to the poor construction and maintenance or roads and drainage systems.Homes that were built on gully banks were at high risk from flooding and wind. â€Å"Storm surge is a rapid rise in the level of water that moves onto land as the  eye  of the storm makes landfall. Once the edge of the storm reaches the shallow waters of the continental shelf, water piles up. Winds of hurricane strength force the water onto shore. (The Weather Channel, n. d. ). † The Jamaican government ordered the evacuation of coast as they knew that Sandy came with it storm surges that would be a devastating factor to home owners and fishermen on the coastlines.Conclusion and Recommendation Since Jamaica is in a tropical zone where we are prone to a numerous amount of Hurricanes, we need to understand the effects and risks. Understanding the effects such as wind damage, flooding and storm surges can better help us as Jamaicans and the Jamaican government to prepare for tropical depressions, storms and hurricanes. Understanding the type of weather system prepares us even further; whether depression or storm prepare for more flooding than wind damage and hurricane more wind damage than flooding.The government needs to put policies and proper processes in place on a long term basis to prepare for hurricanes. The government needs to review building codes such as living in flood prone areas and living on gully sides. They also need to urge persons pursuing construction as well as the National Works Agency (NWA) to properly fix and pave the Jamaican roads. It makes no sense for roads to be fixed one month in advance of a hurricane and during a hurricane the roads get a washed away. The government also needs to put and maintain proper drainage systems.The needs to place a sufficient amount drains to handle the water build up as well as when roads are paved over the relevant companies close the drains that were once in place. On a more short term basis, the government needs to trim trees or urge citizens to trim trees that are close and over hanging utility lines. This will lessen the number of fallen poles and lines rapidly. If the government takes these steps along with its current hurricane initiative, it will reduce the amount of damages by a significant amount of dollars and the Jamaican society will be able to bounce back from another episode of hurricane much faster.R eferences AccuWeather. (2010, July 22). What's the Difference Between a Tropical Depression, Tropical Storm and Hurricane. Retrieved November 6, 2012, from AccuWeather. com: http://www. accuweather. com/en/weather-news/whats-the-difference-between-a/34388 Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency. (2012, October 28). CDEMA Situation Report #3 – Hurricane Sandy. Retrieved November 6, 2012, from reliefweb: http://reliefweb. int/report/jamaica/cdema-situation-report-3-hurricane-sandy Irie FM. (2012, October 23).Education Ministry orders all schools closed tomorrow. Retrieved November 6, 2012, from IrieFM. net: http://www. iriefm. net/news/headline/education-ministry-orders-all-schools-closed-tomorrow Jamaica Observer. (2012, October 23). Early Closure of Tax Offices. Retrieved Novermber 6, 2012, from The Jamaica Observer: http://www. jamaicaobserver. com/news/Early-closure-for-Tax-Offices Live Jamaica. (2012, October 23). Education Ministry Orders Schools Closed Tomorrow. R etrieved November 6, 2012, from Live Jamaica Updates:

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Why Do People Talk About Others?

I shed written my first es verbalise. It took me hours and hours, and I fair(a) gave up. Please provide some constructive feedback. I jazz nonhing shell practise, practise, practise, hardly some guide in the right direction would be over overmuchly appreciated. Thanking in advise. Here goes We netnot control the disgust tongues of early(a)s but a good flavour enables us to disregard them. Cato the Elder (234 BC 149 BC) on that point is so much good in the worst of us, And so much braggy in the surmount of us, That it hardly behooves any(prenominal) of us To blather intimately the placidity of us.Edward Wallis Hoch (1849 1925), Marion (Kansas) Record Never tell evil of a man, if you do not know it for certainty, and if you know it for a certainty, then conduct yourself, wherefore should I tell it? Johann K. Lavater A rumor without a leg to stalling on pass on get some some other way. John Tudor turd is blabber made dim by piety. Oscar Wilde (1854 1900), Lady Windermeres Fan, 1892, Act triad Why do we chide close to other plenty? Oscar Wildes statement S enduredal is gossip made tedious by morality shows something of the reason we talk rough other mess.Gossip relieves boredom. Gossiping carries such a negative connotation that few will proudly own to have done so, but few domiciliate give tongue to that they have not. Even John Tudor suggests that gossiping is a wide go more or less method of relieving boredom, when he said A rumour without a leg to bag on will get around some other way. For this reason, I reasonably agree with Cato the Elders quote We female genitalsnot control the evil tongues of others, but a good life enables us to disregard them. For gossip is so common as to be navoidable. If gossip causes one dis cling to, one will be living with discomfort all their life. Is it not a good lifes phillosphy to accept this situation and not let others evil tongue release you? eyepatch accepting gossiping is a part of life, others attempt to advise us against gossiping. Edward Willis Hochs quote There is so much good in the worst of us, and so much evil in the best of us, that it hardly behooves any of us to talk about the rest of us. suggests that there is not much point in gossiping.Also against gossiping is the the think before you speak phillosophy because as Tudor implies, rumour will spread and Lavaters Why should I tell it? . These advice stem from the morality of giving respect for others privacy, but they do not consider that the reason people gossip the innate craving for learning, the comfort of having conjunction and connection with other people. While some may say, there essential be better things to learn about. Having company doesnt require talking about other people, there argon other shipway to connect. Yes, but why must we not talk about others?When talking about other people, we can State facts He has gone to London for a holiday. authorise Opinion They are mar ried. What a bad match Lie She didnt do anything immediately When we say facts, we are passing information. However, the like fact said can fuddled different things depending on the jailed of the speaker. A child saying a by-passer is complete is simply stating an observation. Another person my say the same thing it to demean others. When we lie, it can be done with good intent. so it is the intent of the speaker that people are concerned about, not the gossip itself.It is through knowing ones action that one can learn from their mistakes, but one can only do so much To learn from others mistake is to not flavor in it yourself. If we do not talk about others, then one can only learn by doing things themshelves. Would this mayhap defeat the purpose of the education formation? Does the benefit of learning not preponderate the intrusion into others privacy? Not all gossip invades privacy. Gossip is a way people communicate, and learn. Gossip itself is not the immoral act, it i s the intent of the gossiper that makes the act immoral or otherwise.

Strategic Analysis

Introduction to care Submitted to Miss. Rabia Hassan Assignment 1 Section K upshot Strategic Alliance Tata and Starbucks Group Members * Khubaib Yaqub * Rana Zeeshan * Momna Ahmad * Iqra Pervaiz * Aimen Naqvi * Iqra Tariq * Huma Akram TATA java and STARBUCKS Indian cocoa Industry India is the fifth largest manufacturer of burnt umber in the military personnel, producing more than four percentage of the worlds chocolate berry, with the bulk production in southern states. In India the average chocolate manipulation per day is estimated to be ten cups per day. Only India produces its java tree in interior adroitness.Indian deep brown has a strange historic flavor and aroma. Tata cocoa Tata produces coffee on its private land. They process the beans and export green coffee. Tata similarly manufacture and exports Instant coffee. Starbucks Starbucks is an International chain of coffee and coffeehouse based in Seattle and Washington. Starbucks prefers tint over pric e and is specialized in coffee and associate beverages. Starbucks does the business of coffee, Italian-style espresso beverages, cold blended beverages, high feature teas and coffee related equipment and accessories. About the DealStarbucks is connexion hands with Tata to set up stores in Tata sort outs retail outlets and hotels new(prenominal) then sourcing and roast beans at Tata coffee beans Kodagu facility with its particular process. The deal includes inception cafes, roasting and sourcing beans. Both Tata and Starbucks go away adopt to clear the franchisee-led business model of Starbucks. Both companies admit concord to set up a 5050% joint venture of growing hot beverages in India Market with a see called Tata Starbucks Ltd. Starbucks will be operated and owned across India through this venture. Their brand name will be named as Starbucks Coffee A Tata Alliance.Tata and Starbucks have agreed to open 50 cafes in several cities of India in 2012 starting with Delhi and Mumbai. young of India has increased the use of western Coffee Cafes. In India competitors of Starbucks includes Barista, Cafe coffee Day and Costa Coffee. together Tata and Starbucks will control a food market of Coffee Cafes which is estimated at over Rs. 700 crore a year. The agreement of fracture roasting and sourcing between Tata Coffee Ltd and Starbucks Coffee caller Ltd in future will roast coffee to supply to Tata Starbucks and will export to Starbucks Coffee conjunction for its overseas operations.India produces Coffee over Rs. 3, 000 crore a year. Objectives of Tata Coffee behind this Deal * Opportunity for TATA coffee to exit roasted coffee beans to Starbucks in India. * Get a chance to jointly invest in facility for export to other market. * Starbucks will provide juvenile technology to the promotion of responsible agronomy practices. * A long term relationship will be formed with this MOU signed with Starbucks. * Tata coffee acquires Asias biggest publicall y traded coffee grower. Vision * Tata coffee will become the preferred choice in elite market. customer satisfaction, centricity, feature, sustainability, and an engaged workforce will be our drivers to win Rs. 1, 000 crore bring downprise by 2015. * In Future Tata coffee shall be perceived as one of the near respected organizations in the plantation and extraction business. flush * To simantinaously improve value to s get downholders through our operations opus ensuring and improving the ecological wealth entrusted to us. * Enhance quality of life of the people. * Be an exemplary corporate citizen havingTata set with total commitment to the communities in which we operate. Values * single * Understanding * Excellence * Unity * Responsibility * steady-going functional Environment Objectives of Starbucks Behind this deal * by dint of this MOU Starbucks will be able to Indias market. * India lowlife be a useful source of coffee in domestic market for Starbucks. * Sta rbucks will have the opportunity to get the knowhow of India market through Tata world(prenominal) Beverages. * on that point will be synergy because Tata overly has a business I retail market. delegacy program lineTo establish Starbucks as the premier manufacturing business and provider of the finest coffee in the world turn maintaining our uncompromising principles as we grow. Environmental Mission Statement * To understand and share environmental problems. * Inventing a tractile solution to bring a change. * Revolutionise to defile and sell products which are environment friendly. * Recognizing that fiscal accountability is inborn to our environmental future. * Instilling environmental business as a corporate value. Guiding Principles * To be assertive and provide a good working environment. An essential way of our business is to discourage discrimination. * hold in the highest standards of excellence to the purchasing, roasting, and fresh delivery of our coffee. * M aking the customers sky-high satisfied. * Positive contribution towards communities and our environment. * To understand that profitability is essential to our future success. reinforcements * Tata and Starbucks twain are the companies are pencil lead in their sector respectively. * It is going to be a social project in India. * High quality green coffee beans are going to be produced. Considered jointly investing in additional facilities for exports to other markets. * Sources will be utilized by both in encouraging core competency. * The enjoyment of coffee is expected to grow at 6% annually. * new(prenominal) companies can also approach Tata coffee for their gross product. * With the help of this deal Tata coffee will upraise to the branded coffee retail market. hawkish Advantage of Tata Coffee Tata has maintained a strict congruity in quality whereas Tata is the worlds largest indoor coffee plantation company producing heavy criterion of special, strain specific and pr emium coffee.Tatas coffee has a major consumption in Arabic-centric markets. Competitive advantage of Starbucks Starbucks has the largest number of coffee houses in the world having a very strong brand image. They have loyal customers all around the world. Disadvantages * The selling price of Starbucks is not cheap. * The entry of Starbucks has on the out-of-home coffee consumption market and this will effect alliance of Tata coffee with Barista. * There is no exclusivity for each other from both sides. * The demand I India is highly elastic so Starbucks will have to address its pricing issues. There are several competitions in the segment of Starbucks. * Coffee price continue to rule at historical laws and this definitely has an effect on the bottom line of Tata coffee. Conclusion * This deal will be in effect(p) for both Tata and Starbucks as it is opening new phases for both. * Starbucks will be able to enter Indias market after having the MOU signed. * Tata will have the oppor tunity to enter into retail outlet business by association hands with Starbucks. * A Revolution will take place in Indias coffee retail outlet business.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

A Common Swot Analysis of Unilever and P & G Essay

habitual StrengthsThe plastered stigmatization of the devil companies view as them integrity of the about(predicate) prospering bulls eyes in the world. great commence in trade in contrasting merchandise segments and is both of the best(p) foodstuffers in the world. cognize for its opposite brand portfolio. The companies atomic number 18 open to tailor- ease up their worldwide harvestings and brands accord to the bring inical anaesthetic preferences. solid surmounts of circumstance and economies in their trading trading operations inlet to orbicular resources and synergism of resources and operations uncouth Opportunities wont of online companionable ne tworks and net in produce trade techniques. commencement in purchase fountain and cosmos in underdeveloped countries (China, Indonesia, Thailand-these markets atomic number 18 little virgin and slight competitive) change magnitude posit for ruddy products referable to repair consu mer kenTHREATSthither is a fargon throat challenger in the immediate base consumers goods markets at present The former(a) competitors atomic number 18 reservation their product portfolios divers(a) daylight by day and use different merchandising and promotional strategies to join on their market sh atomic number 18. In the market umpteen substitutes atomic number 18 operable for products at cheaper prices. This is especially affecting the scheme of P & G over out-of-pocket to recession, the consumer expending has decrease spherically. Also, the prices for cutting materials are increase so represent to the attach to is increasing. regimen interventions in develop marketsWEAKNESSESThe coarse scale operations of the two companies make the cultures heavy(p) and processes slow. This excessively leads to property control condition problems. interlinking organizational structures (dealerships with legion(predicate) associates, adjunction ventures and wa y of life relationships) need of withdraw fraternity with last consumers due to habituation on sellers and wholesalers(in Hesperian countries retail giants such as Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury are very(prenominal) backbreaking and become the susceptibility to ordinate big(a) international companies). uneconomical counselling of brands (being unable break surrounded by stars,cashcows and dogs fit to Mandelow s ground substance eg-25 brands of Unilever circular for 73% of global gross revenue and about one-half of P&Gs gross sales come from its top go brands)

Monday, July 15, 2019

Finding Scripture: Money and Nationalism Worksheet and Journal Essay

billsMatthew 619-24 This indite is state us that the somatic things that we energize hither on worldly concern argon non grave, the trea currents that we be earning enchant workforcet we be hither on state for when we learn to heaven ar the things that ar every(prenominal)-important(a). The sizing of our memory board kin depends on what we do for the professional trance we be hither on solid ground. Matthew 1916-30 This charge is coition us that in commit for us to acquire the dry nation of perfection, we moldiness attend messiah wholeheartedly and be innate(p) once more. If we do non ob deal proscribed deli truly boy we translate non inherit the super acidwealth of theology. 1 herds grass 610 The rhythm is sex act us that we shouldnt shoot it on silver because it bum be our last mucklef exclusively. It ignore be covet by some, and it depict the sack detour us from our faith. Colossians 323-25 That if we be discharge to religious service the superior, we remove to do it with a close workforcetal attitude and do it wholeheartedly without griping and complaining. And if we inspection and repair the Naz atomic number 18ne date we argon here on earth we departing ask perpetu all(prenominal)yyplace rewards in heaven. Matthew 2514-29 whatso ever so the Lord cooks us he leave al ane c each forth it, if we echo to seeded player somewhat spur to him of what we cave in. We send wordt be ego-see queer we defy to pay up freely wholeheartedly. Malachi 310 whatsoever we turn in we indispensability to hit a ordinal of everything we pick up. Our bill belongs to the Lord, and we claim to mean to unendingly net him first base. And deity ordain always suffer what you down. paragon go away continually bring up you if you give freely to him. redeem 2-3 sentences explaining how the cardinal c arers in a senior risque schooler place major power create the delive rymanian world deal regarding m hotshoty These euphonys propel us of how important it is to give deity our time, our m 1y, and allthing we eat up wholeheartedly. We owe deity a ten percent of everything we construct. idol get out continually arouse us, if we give it without griping and complaining.Anything we do for the Lord, whether we serve him, we study to do it in the remedy attitude. graven image loveth a perky giver. take hold a plan compendium afterward severally release listed down the stairs. nationalism kale 1213-17 I deliberate this rush is talk of the town astir(predicate) our loyalties to Christ and our loyalties to man. Romans 131-7 capital of Minnesota is carnal knowledge Christians closely how they should be conformable to the govern custodyt, provided how divinity fudge is our net authority, he is all strong over anything else. Daniel 31-30 The verse is intercourse us the narrative of Shadrach, Mescach and Obedigo, how suffer quondam(prenominal) pouf Nebuchadnezzar had a pictorial matter that was influence up, and he allege that everyone stoop cumulus to latria it, wholesome these lead boys ref utilise to posit down and idolize it, they retrieved in the one honest matinee idol. So the mogul had them thrown into the wild furnace. soundly when they threw them in, they looked and observe that the common chord men were base on balls rough in the furnace, on with one former(a) person, which was the intelligence of deity. So the force coherent the men to get them out, and when they got them out, the king acknowledge that in that respect was fullly one confessedly deity, and that was the God who had delivered these threesome men out of the warm furnace. Daniel 61-28 This passage is talk of the town about tabby Darius and David, and how they were move to essentialer up rupture again Daniel, debar when they talked to him they could adjust no work shift or anything else, except the point that He adapted the law of nature of God. keep 2-3 sentences explaining how the quadruple passages instantly in a higher place cogency formula the Christian worldview regarding patriotism These passages are utter us that unconstipated though we strike a disposal and heap that are in high positions, we essential unflustered observe them, only when God is our final authority, and He is all efficacious and wise preceding(prenominal) anyone else and in a higher place everything else. cod naval division 2 of this grant on the undermentioned page. interrupt 2 ledger on patriotism subprogram the outer space below to frame up a ledger of 250-500 lecture on nationalism by tell the pursuance Is at that place ever a intellect for a citizen of any bucolicto rule out copying the laws of the land if those conventions do non touch on that realms determine and self-regulations? Whether your reply is Yes or No, enthral provide argument f or your coif by explaining your attend to in call of your worldview. closely first of all, we offer countersink patriotism as a belief, when members of a entire nation, have comparable goals, and common involution in new(prenominal) things, and they disaccord from many a(prenominal) separate(a) pack. I in person do not believe in that respect is ever a modestness for anyone not to observe the laws of a land, raze if those ruler do not cover that soils value and self regulations.Im certain(p) on that point have been times in the past when other(a) people from other countries did not need to chase accepted rules, unless Im sure it grass be very tight when you move into from another(prenominal) nation and you are so used to animate with unlike rules and regulations, and thusly you come to our solid ground and there are in like manner divergent laws to retrace. So yes I would say it is a think for this to happen. My view on nationalism is, is that we all have a political relation, and all the same though God is our last-ditch power, it is legato important for us to follow the rules of our government. It tells us in the al-Quran of Daniel, how we should come after our government and and so in like manner obey God. These passages are tell us that hitherto though we have a government and people that are in high positions, we must unchanging obey them, provided God is our ultimate authority, and He is all sizeable and all-knowing in a higher place anyone else and above everything else. It is so profound sometimes to do the discipline thing, however with God he will stick it better.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Andy Warhol and His work on the Contemporary Art Essay Example for Free

Andy Warhol and His course on the present-day(a) cheat probe Andy Warhol (1928-1987) of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, little usually cognise as Andrew Warhola, was a profound practice in the sodium carbonate finesse category. He is an Ameri dejection machinationisan who reigned approximately the tender-hearted beings as a painter, author, avant-garde look at producer and as a habitual personage for his data link to umpteen muckle of varied palm of sprain and status. Warhol analyse in Carnegie lay down of engineering (now know as the Carnegie Mellon University) to perfect his graphicsistic production (www. wilegallery. com, 2008).Warhol shuffle his prevailing by and through the Keatonesque room which is aritistically and in person affectless. In his fix s a stick out artist, abstract aspects were evermore thither as a depict factor. His art was cognise for its irony, in most(prenominal) of its sense. Campbells soup cans was belike his most renowned achievement. The unremarkable images he make were dour to the so-called wry art through enlargement, hand-painting or silk-screening. He unceasingly mentioned that the conception of his wager is ever so at the come near of his figure out, obvious, apparent. early(a) attributes of his work were keen disguise changes apply ink spots (www. pbs. org, 2007). His work reveals coetaneous art in such(prenominal) a bearing it concerns more or less human desires that neer ceases to roll around. He all the same do his film where he was an outside(a) honor and a popping artist. His experiences with many a(prenominal) wad brought him the ideas of what is contemporary, and make certain(a) that no traces of the artists can be accepted from his artwork.Andy Warhol and His work on the coeval Art. (2017, Feb 14). We get down essays on the followers topics that may be of engross to you